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Making coffee

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22 products


Moccamaster Select - Coffee PiratesMoccamaster Select Filterkaffeemaschine - Coffee Pirates
Das BREWJAR - Coffee PiratesDas BREWJAR - Coffee Pirates
The BREWJAR - Cold Brew Glass
Sale price27,90 €
Geschenkverpackung Jutebeutel - Coffee Pirates
Gift wrapping jute bag
Sale price5,90 €
Hario Cold Brew Flasche - Coffee PiratesHario Cold Brew Flasche - Coffee Pirates
Hario Cold Brew Bottle
Sale price37,90 €

2 colors available

Sold outDRIPSTER 2-in-1 Cold Brew Dripper (4 Tassen / 600ml), Cold Brew Maker für kaltgebrühten Kaffee und Tee - Coffee PiratesDRIPSTER 2-in-1 Cold Brew Dripper (4 Tassen / 600ml), Cold Brew Maker für kaltgebrühten Kaffee und Tee - Coffee Pirates
Chemex Kaffee-Karaffe - Coffee PiratesChemex Kaffee-Karaffe - Coffee Pirates
Chemex coffee carafe
Sale priceFrom 39,90 €
Hario V 60 Handfilter 02 - Candy Edition - Coffee PiratesHario V 60 Handfilter 02 - Candy Edition - Coffee Pirates

6 colors available

AeroPress Micro-Filter - 350er Packung - Coffee PiratesAeroPress Micro-Filter - 350er Packung - Coffee Pirates
Hario V 60 Handfilter 02 - Kunststoff - Coffee PiratesHario V 60 Handfilter 02 - Kunststoff - Coffee Pirates
Airscape | Edelstahl Aromabehälter mittel – schwarz matt - Coffee PiratesAirscape | Edelstahl Aromabehälter mittel – schwarz matt - Coffee Pirates
Bialetti Kaffeebereiter French Press Preziosa 3Tassen - Coffee Pirates
Aerobie AeroPress Kaffee-Zubereiter inkl. 100 Filtern - Coffee Pirates
Sold outDie DRIPBOX - Coffee PiratesDie DRIPBOX - Coffee Pirates
Hario V 60 Handfilter - Porzellan - Coffee PiratesHario V 60 Handfilter - Porzellan - Coffee Pirates
Hario V 60 hand filter - porcelain
Sale priceFrom 22,90 €
Cold Brew-Kit - Coffee PiratesCold Brew - Kit - Coldbrewflasche, Mühle und Kaffee - Coffee Pirates
Milchkännchen Latte Art - Coffee PiratesMilchkännchen Latte Art - Coffee Pirates
Milk jug latte art
Sale priceFrom 20,00 €
AeroPress Go® Coffee Maker - Coffee PiratesAeroPress Go® Coffee Maker - Coffee Pirates
Bialetti Venus - Mokka-Kanne - Coffee PiratesEspressokocher Venus 4 Tassen - Coffee Pirates
Espresso maker Venus 4 cups
Sale price49,90 €
AeroPress® Clear Coffee Press - Coffee PiratesAeroPress® Clear Coffee Press - Coffee Pirates
Sold outHario Mizudashi - Cold Brew Coffee Pot - Coffee PiratesHario Mizudashi - Cold Brew Coffee Pot - Coffee Pirates
Sold outV60 Craft Coffee Maker - Coffee PiratesV60 Craft Coffee Maker - Coffee Pirates
V60 Craft Coffee Maker
Sale price25,90 €
Bialetti Moka Express - Espressokocher - Coffee Pirates