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Wir ziehen um mit der Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei - Coffee Pirates

Wir ziehen um mit der Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei

Wir ziehen um mit der Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei - Coffee Pirates

Wir ziehen um mit der Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei

Hier wird für die Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei bald das neue Zuhause sein! Die Kaffeebar in Rüttenscheid bleibt erhalten und versorgt Euch weiterhin mit besten Kaffeespezialitäten! Der Bohnenverk...

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Die Top 10 der Kaffee Anbauländer: Entdecke die besten Kaffeeländer der Welt - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Die Top 10 der Kaffee Anbauländer: Entdecke die besten Kaffeeländer der Welt

Coffee Pirates – Dein Onlineshop für erstklassigen Kaffee Wenn Du ein echter Kaffee-Enthusiast bist, dann weißt Du, dass die Herkunft des Kaffees einen großen Einfluss auf den Geschmack hat. Heute ...

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Welcher Kaffee schmeckt am besten? 10 Entscheidungstips - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Which coffee tastes best? 10 tips for decision-making

Do you have any tips for making the perfect coffee? Yes, here are some general tips: Use fresh, cold water. Make sure the water temperature is correct (around 92-96°C). Add the coffee ...

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Cold Brew Kaffeezubereitung mit der Hario Cold Crew Flasche – Dein Guide mit Coffee Pirates Kaffeerösterei - Coffee Pirates
Cold Brew

Cold Brew coffee preparation with the Hario Cold Crew bottle – Your guide with Coffee Pirates coffee roastery

Have you ever tried cold brew coffee? If not, then it’s about time! With the Hario Cold Crew Bottle you can prepare the perfect cold brew coffee with ease. And the best thing about it? The aroma...

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Perfekte Kaffeezubereitung ohne Küchenwaage – Tipps von Coffee Pirates - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Perfect coffee preparation without kitchen scales – tips from Coffee Pirates

Welcome to Coffee Pirates, your favorite coffee roaster! Today we'll tell you how you can measure your coffee almost perfectly, even without a kitchen scale. The right ratio of coffe...

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Genieße den Sommer mit einem erfrischenden Cold Brew in der French Press - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Enjoy the summer with a refreshing cold brew in the French Press

Hey you! Summer is finally here, even at the Coffee Pirates and what's better than enjoying a cool and refreshing cold brew coffee? In this blog post, I want to show you how to easily make yo...

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Muttertag - Coffee Pirates - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Mother's Day - Coffee Pirates

Mother's Day is just around the corner and you still have no idea what to give your mom?

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Summer in the City - Coffee Pirates - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Summer in the City - Coffee Pirates

Summer Coffee Rwanda Abakaundakawa Coffee Pirates There it is;-)Summer can finally begin... 100% Arabica - pure variety - summery fresh in taste - ideal as a filter and for all coffee prep...

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Iced Latte und Iced Americano - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Iced Latte and Iced Americano

Iced Latte and Iced Americano Coffee Pirates Iced Latte vs. Iced Americano: What are the differences? When it comes to cool coffee concoctions, the Iced Latte and Iced Americano are two of ...

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Iced Filter (HarioV60) - Coffee Pirates
Brew Guide

Iced Filter (HarioV60)

Iced Filter V60 Summer is here and with it the heat that makes us all sweat. But don't worry, we have the perfect solution to cool down while maintaining our caffeine levels: iced filter coffe...

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