the coffee preparation "natural"
The term "natural coffee" refers to coffee that has been fermented using what is probably the oldest, most traditional method: naturally. This type of processing is particularly common in dry climates such as Ethiopia and Yemen, but also in Costa Rica and Brazil.
The picked coffee cherries are spread out on large racks and dried. The pulp is only removed after the drying process. Natural coffee is sometimes considered to have a sweeter aroma and the taste of dried fruit. However, it can also develop nutty, chocolatey nuances and generally has a heavier, syrupy body.
In natural coffee fermentation, the fermentation process takes place below the pulp in the coffee cherry's husk that surrounds the coffee bean. This natural type of fermentation continues as long as microorganisms find the necessary sugar, moisture and acid components that they can process.
Depending on the weather conditions and whether and how much shade or (direct) sun the coffee cherries receive, the fermentation of natural coffee takes an average of 30 days. The height of the drying rack and the rotation frequency of the cherries can also influence the fermentation process.
Natural fermentation not only takes longer, it is also less controllable than other processing methods. Drying natural coffee requires more space because the coffee cherries cannot be dried in mechanical drying devices like washed fermented coffee. Traditional open-air fermentation requires more frequent checks and more attention - for example to prevent mold formation and pest infestation during fermentation.
Natural coffee fermentation is the oldest technique for processing coffee. In ancient times (and still occasionally used today) the cherries were even allowed to ferment on the tree. The coffee was therefore only harvested when needed and only after fermentation. Nowadays, however, natural coffees are also harvested when they are ripe and only then dried.