Pacha Mama - highland coffee from Peru
Two friends – one goal – and the love of coffee
Michael Scherff
Cultivation, fertilization, harvesting, processing and quality are supported and controlled on site by Michael Scherff, a German manager who came to Lima through his Peruvian wife and is dedicated to coffee cultivation.
He supports and challenges the cafetaleros in the cooperative. Only the beans that meet the highest quality standards find their way to Germany.
Walter Knauer
Import and distribution are in the hands of his partner Walter Knauer and his wife Margot (Knauer&Knauer GmbH). The partners know each other from their work together in Munich. Walter Knauer has become an expert on the scene through his contact with the roasters and training seminars (e.g. with Prof. Edelbauer in Vienna).
The couple is particularly committed to social commitment to coffee farmers.
Around 40 tons of PachaMama coffee are stored in Hamburg every year. Delivery to roasters and private customers is organized from Munich or Hamburg. The German virtues apply here too: punctuality, delivery reliability and consistently high quality.
We want to produce the best possible coffee.
Then our customers are satisfied and the coffee farmers are doing well
The Cafetaleros in Miguel Grau
About 50 coffee farmers now form the cooperative
In 1969, as part of the land reform, the virgin forest in the area around Miguel Grau was given to farmers. It was cleared with axes and machetes and the land was made arable.
The first cooperative, “La Florida,” was founded, the village square was built by Miguel Grau. The first school was built, and the first cemetery was created.
From 1990 to 1994, the "Shining Path" ruled the country. This communist guerrilla organization also threatened the finca owners, and a large number of residents had to flee in 1992. When the danger was over, the people found their village devastated. It took over two years to set up the cooperative, and by 2010 it had grown to 50 cafetaleros.
Excellent coffee grows in the remote region of Canchamayo, but the people still lead a very modest life. The coffee farmers controlled the cultivation, but had coffee from different altitudes with many varieties and qualities both from the harvest and from the processing.
Due to overproduction, a collapse in prices on the coffee market and, most recently, a disease, coffee rust, which affected up to 30% of coffee plants, a large number of coffee farmers were open to the new perspectives we opened up for them.
And here you can find this great coffee from Pacha Mama or the organic Cascara coffee cherry tea .