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Article: Perfect coffee preparation without kitchen scales – tips from Coffee Pirates

Perfekte Kaffeezubereitung ohne Küchenwaage – Tipps von Coffee Pirates - Coffee Pirates
Coffee Guide

Perfect coffee preparation without kitchen scales – tips from Coffee Pirates

Welcome to Coffee Pirates, your favorite coffee roaster! Today we'll tell you how you can measure your coffee almost perfectly, even without a kitchen scale. The right ratio of coffee to water is crucial for optimal coffee preparation. Here you'll learn how to find the ideal amount of coffee powder for a cup or a liter of filter coffee.

Dosing coffee – How to do it without kitchen scales

For a 200 ml cup of coffee, you need about one heaped tablespoon of ground coffee. If you want to make a whole litre of filter coffee, we recommend seven heaped tablespoons of ground coffee.

Coffee dosage for different preparation methods

Our table shows you how much coffee powder you need for different preparation methods, based on heaped tablespoons:

Preparer Water quantity Coffee quantity Amount of coffee in tablespoons (heaped)
Hand filter 500ml 32g 3 - 3.5
French Press 1000ml 65g 7 - 8
Chemex 600ml 38g 3.5 - 4.5
coffee machine 1250ml 75g 6.5 - 8
Espresso maker to the valve Fill the sieve Fill the sieve
Bayreuth jug 350ml 22g 2.5 - 3
Espresso machine 40ml 17g ~ 1.5

For the French press and the Bayreuther pot, you should grind the coffee a little coarser than for the hand filter. This ensures a more even extraction and better taste.

Precise dosage – think in grams!

To achieve the best taste, the SCAE (Speciality Coffee Association of Europe) recommends using 60 grams of coffee per liter of water. So for a 200 ml cup you will need about 12 grams of coffee powder. You can adjust this ratio according to your taste.

Our recommendation for Coffee Pirates coffee is a slightly stronger dosage: around 65 grams of coffee per liter of water. This brings out the fine flavor nuances of our coffees to their fullest. – so you always have our recipe recommendations in view.

More precise dosing with the kitchen scale

In many coffee maker instructions you will find inaccurate dosage instructions such as "two level spoons per cup". Such quantities are often insufficient. We recommend weighing the coffee using a coffee scale. A scale helps you achieve consistent coffee quality and measures not only the grams but also the extraction time.

How to dose with the kitchen scale

  1. 1 milliliter of water = 1 gram: Weigh the required amount of coffee beans and grind the coffee fresh.
  2. Tare the scale: Place your coffee maker with the ground coffee on the scale and tare it.
  3. Pour slowly: Pour the water slowly and in small increments. The scale measures how much water you have already poured so that you achieve the optimal ratio of coffee to water.

Dosing coffee – video instructions

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't miss any of our videos. Here we show you step by step how to measure and prepare your coffee perfectly.

With these tips from Coffee Pirates, you can prepare the perfect coffee even without a kitchen scale. Enjoy every sip and discover the world of coffee – at Coffee Pirates

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